Posted on Nov 8, 2010 · 1 Comment
My new website was launched today, which I'm incredibly excited about! Going through all the work I've done over the past few years was a daunting task but it brought back so many memories from all the awesome shoots I've done and some of the amazing people I've met. It also made me realize just how much I've learnt over the past few years. I'll admit, I still have a lot to learn, but looking through my progression so far has made me super excited about the future and what's to come.
I decided that with the launch of my new website, it was also a great time to start a blog so people could get to know me a little better and what goes on in my life but also so that I can share some of the stories behind the shoots and the amazing people I get to meet.
So here goes!
♥ My name is Simmone Bray and I grew up on the northern beaches in Sydney, Australia.
♥ I moved to America three years ago, and after a road trip across the states, I settled in Philadelphia, PA, where I now live with my amazing boyfriend Michael (who is also an awesome graphic designer, and my photography assistant) and my adorable miniature dachshund/personal lap warmer Kingsley.
happy family portrait taken by David Schrott
♥ My house has become a museum to old and interesting things. I collect vintage cameras, and Michael collects old typesettings as well as ship things for his own 'Ship Wall'. We also collect old bottles (our house seems to be littered with them!).
Anyway, that's just a little snippet and some random facts about me.
Stay tuned!
Welcome to the USA - We're so very happy you decided to stay!
Congratulations on an amazing new site!!