I love Fall. I love the cool weather, I love the colors, I love the leaves scattered along the ground, and as most people that know me already know, I absolutely love the pumpkins. So when I discovered that Brittany and Brad's wedding drew inspiration from my favorite season, I was ecstatic.
Brittany and Brad are such an amazing couple! I know, I know, every couple I get to shoot is absolutely amazing (what can I say? I have awesome clients!), but in terms of Brad and Brittany, the love they have for one another was so, incredibly evident, it was beautifully overwhelming. They are such down to earth people, and were so willing to trust my creative ideas, wander through the grass, lean up against old machinery and nestle themselves amongst some hay barrels to get some awesome shots. Brad even drove us around in a golf buggy to get to all the different locations I'd picked out for their portraits! How cool is that!?
Honestly, by the end of their wedding, it felt as though we were saying goodbye to two old friends.
Here are a few of my absolute fave portraits I took on the day for you to swoon over, but trust me, there are LOADS more to come!
The best thing about September is that you can get some beautiful weather. The worst thing about September is that it can be unpredictable! Brian and Jennifer were married at the beautiful little gem, Crossings Vineyard on September 17th on a cool, beautiful day which was forecast to rain, but didn't! Not one little drop! Instead, we were blessed with some gorgeous, wispy clouds scattered throughout the sky.
They added beautiful, personal details to their wedding, like naming each table after a pet in their life, and Brian welded the bikes that sat as centerpieces too.
It was such a fun wedding which I hope you can grasp from the photos I put together from the night!
Here's a little highlight.
You can view more of their portraits here.
Congratulations again to Jennifer and Brian, and thank you for allowing us to be a part of your beautiful wedding.
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