Posted on Oct 19, 2011 · Leave a Comment
The best thing about September is that you can get some beautiful weather. The worst thing about September is that it can be unpredictable! Brian and Jennifer were married at the beautiful little gem, Crossings Vineyard on September 17th on a cool, beautiful day which was forecast to rain, but didn't! Not one little drop! Instead, we were blessed with some gorgeous, wispy clouds scattered throughout the sky.
They added beautiful, personal details to their wedding, like naming each table after a pet in their life, and Brian welded the bikes that sat as centerpieces too.
It was such a fun wedding which I hope you can grasp from the photos I put together from the night!
Here's a little highlight.
You can view more of their portraits here.
Congratulations again to Jennifer and Brian, and thank you for allowing us to be a part of your beautiful wedding.