Posted on Jul 20, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Steven and Janell were married on May 27th, infront of the Love sign in University City on a beautifully sunny Spring day. The two actually got engaged infront of the sculpture just like it in Center City but opted for the quieter location on the UPenn Campus for their wedding, which was close to their reception at the Hall of Flags.
The Love sign was such a fabulous backdrop for their heartwarming ceremony, and I adore that those beautiful, big, red, four letter word sculptures not only encompass the reason for a wedding, but now hold two very special memories for Steven and Janell.
They were such a photogenic couple to work with it was actually pretty hard to narrow down just a few to show you, but below are a few of my favorites from their gorgeous day.
Congratulations again Steven and Janell, and thank you for allowing me to share in your special day!